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Shat means six and kriya or karma means action. Shatkarmas are 6 yogic cleansing practices to clean the internal organs. These remove toxins from the internal body. When the internal organs get cleaned, the external body also starts to function well and the mind becomes stable hence both body and mind get balanced. 

These purification techniques should be learned and performed under expert guidance. Each kriya has different types, the most commonly practiced types are mentioned in the video. There are certain contraindications for each kriya; it is necessary to take advice from an expert as to which kriyas to practice and at what frequency depending on the individual health conditions.

These Shatkarmas are Dhauti, Basti, Neti, Nauli, Trataka, and Kapalbhati.

Benefits of Shatkarma:

It cleans the internal organs, purifies the body, the mind becomes stable, brings mental clarity, improves digestion, and strengthens the immune system. One is freed from excess doshas. Connects body, mind, and soul.

A brief explanation of the Shatkarmas mentioned in the video:

Dhauti (Digestive Tract Cleansing) - Vaman Dhauti, a type of Dhauti kriya, should be done on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. How should one perform this kriya, it's mentioned in the video. Dhauti Kriya cleans the entire digestive tract, removes mucus and toxins, and restores the natural balance of the body's chemical composition. This kriya also helps remove infectious bacteria from the mouth, nose, eyes, ears, throat, stomach, intestine and anus. It gives relief from constipation, poor digestion, and loss of appetite. 

Basti (Colon Cleansing or Yogic Enema) - A rubber tube is used to clean the anus with water. Any problems with excess mucus are eliminated from the body through the practice of Basti. The appetite increases, the body glows, constipation is relieved, and excess doshas is destroyed. Basti washes the bowels and removes excess bacteria, old stool, and heat from the lower intestines.

Neti (Nasal Cleansing) - Jal Neti, a type of Neti Kriya, is performed using a neti pot as mentioned in the video. Jal Neti cleans the nasal passage allowing air to flow freely. The practice of Neti promotes a balance between the left and right nostrils and consequently the right and left brain hemispheres. Jal Neti removes accumulated mucus from the nostrils and relieves headache, migraine, sinus, and eye strain.

Nauli (Abdominal Massaging) - Nauli involves rotating the abdominal muscles with speed hence it massages the abdomen. Nauli helps to remove indigestion and doshas. It is referred to as the Goddess of creation. It stimulates the entire internal system in a much shorter time and with greater force. 

Trataka (Concentrated gazing) - Looking with an unwavering gaze at a fixed point until tears are shed is known as Trataka. The object of concentration most commonly used is a candle flame. Trataka can be done at any time, but it is more effective when performed on an empty stomach. Trataka develops Ekagrata, resulting in strong willpower, improved memory, and concentration ability. Trataka relieves eye ailments such as strain, and headache.

Kapalbhati (Frontal Brain Cleansing) - Kapalbhati is passive inhalation and forceful exhalation. Kapalbhati energizes and massages the brain, increases the oxygen supply in the blood, calms the mind, rejuvenates tired cells and nerves, and reduces stress and anxiety.