Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar Poses
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Surya Namaskar means sun salutation. We express gratitude to the Lord Sun, the source of life on this planet. We use our body as a tool to pay respect to the Lord Sun. Keep this attitude of gratitude in mind while doing the rounds of Surya Namaskar.
There are 12 asanas in Surya Namaskar. Out of 12 poses, 5 are repeated - 1&12, 2&11, 3&10, 4&9, 5&8(Both can be Parvatasana or 5 can be Phalakasana). Poses 6&7 are different. So, in all, there are 7 poses but in an order of 12 steps. These 12 asanas are done twice to complete one full round, this is the Hatha Surya Namaskar tradition. Lie down in Shavasana for some time after Surya Namaskar.
Surya Namaskar steps with beej mantras, breathing instructions, and asana names -
||Om hram Mitrye Namah|| Join your hands. Inhale, exhale - PRANAMASANA
||Om hrim Ravaye Namah|| Inhale, Raise your arms, and arch your spine – HASTA UTTANASANA
||Om hrum Suryaya Namah|| Exhale, Bend forward from the hips, bodyweight on the toes, try to touch stomach to the thigh, chest to the knee, and forehead to the shin, arms bent and touching the calf muscles on the back side - PADA HASTASANA
||Om hraim Bhanve Namah|| Inhale, Keep your left foot forward in between the palms, and right foot back, try to do it in one go or walk your foot a little, ankle, and knee in one straight line, try to achieve the full length of the body, head up - ASHWA SACHALANASANA
||Om hraum Khagaya Namah|| Inhale and hold your breath for as long as you can or breathe normally. Bring your left foot back, and rise in a plank position, look to the front – PHALAKASANA
||Om hra Pushne Namah|| Exhale, Drop your knees and bend your arms touching the ground, chin, and chest to the ground between the palms. Belly and hips off the ground, elbows touching the side of the body, toes tucked in - ASHTANGA NAMASKAR
||Om hram Hiranygarbhaya Namah|| Inhale, Slide forward keeping the palms and keeping feet position the same, and rise to the navel, elbows tucked behind, use the strength of your back to rise – BHUJANGASANA
||Om hrim Marichaya Namah|| Exhale, Rise such that palms and heels touch the ground, and try to touch the forehead to the ground, look to the navel – PARVATASANA
||Om hrum Adityaya Namah|| Inhale, bring your left foot forward, ankle, and knee in one straight line, right foot back - ASHWA SACHALANASANA
||Om hraim Savitre Namah|| Exhale, Bring your right foot forward, rise a little, and bend forward from the hips, try to touch your stomach to the thigh, chest to the knee, and forehead to the shin, arms bent and touching the calf muscles on the back side - PADA HASTASANA. Now bring your arms parallel to the ground and rise
||Om hraum Arkaya Namah|| Inhale, Raise your arms, and arch your spine – HASTA UTTANASANA
||Om hra Bhaskaraya Namah|| Join your hands and Exhale – PRANAMASANA
Mantra with their meaning -
Every Surya Namaskar asana has a respective mantra. These mantras represent 12 names of the sun.
Om Mitrye Namah - Salutations to him who is affectionate to all
Om Ravaye Namah - Salutations to him who is the cause of all changes
Om Suryaya Namah - Salutations to him who induces activity
Om Bhanve Namah - Salutations to him who diffuses light
Om Khagaya Namah - Salutations to him who moves in the sky
Om Pushne Namah - Salutations to him who nourishes all
Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namah - Salutations to him who contains everything
Om Marichaye Namah - Salutations to him who possesses rays
Om Adityaya Namah - Salutations to him who is son of Aditi
Om Savitre Namah - Salutations to him who produces everything
Om Arkaya Namah - Salutations to him who is fit to be worshipped
Om Bhaskaraya Namah - Salutations to him who is the cause of all lustre
Beej mantras
As an alternative to the twelve names of the sun, there is a series of beej mantras or seed syllables. Beej mantras do not have any literal meaning but set up powerful vibrations within the mind and body.
eg. Om hram Mitrye Namah is beej mantra
Benefits -
One whole round of different poses gives multiple health benefits. Body flexibility, increases stamina, better sleep, stress relieving, muscle tone, spine & back flexibility, strengthening muscles, improving posture, revitalizing the brain cells, and increasing blood flow in the organs. In addition, practicing a few rounds of Surya Namaskar daily helps in weight loss & abdominal fat loss, is a good cardio exercise, and helps reduce pain in the legs and back.
Begin with 2 rounds daily and gradually increase once you feel comfortable doing it. 8-10 rounds daily is a good exercise. It can be done at a slow, medium, or fast pace. It should be done preferably early in the morning on an empty stomach, facing the east side, on a firm, non-slippery yoga mat to avoid slipping or falling.
Precautions to be taken -
Please consult your doctor before starting Surya Namaskar, if you are undergoing treatment for any medical problem.
It should not be practiced in case of high BP, hernia, heart disease, recent stroke, back pain, fever, or inflammation and should be avoided during menstruation.
Don't eat or drink anything immediately before or after doing Surya Namaskar. A few sips of water should be ok.
Take care that all the yoga poses are done correctly otherwise, it can cause harm and injury, especially in the neck, spine, and back.
Avoid doing too many rounds if you are not a seasoned yoga practitioner as it may cause severe tiredness or injury.
If there's any discomfort experienced while doing Surya Namaskar, please stop immediately.