is designed with the core belief that home is the best place where -
healthy eating habits are formed
the kitchen is the powerhouse of all the magical ingredients, and creativity in making healthy food can go beyond imagination
many common health problems can get better with home remedies
physical fitness and mental wellness can be learned and practiced
culture and good values are imbibed so that the family members grow into empathetic, healthy, and happy individuals
Fitness & Home Remedies - Check out the physical fitness section for various exercises & yoga, the mental wellness section for building mental strength & keeping the mind active, the home remedies section for common health problems
Yoga YouTube Videos - Check out the YouTube channel below for different yogic practices like pranayama, asanas, mudras, mantras etc.
Healthy Recipes - Find healthy recipes for quick meals, snacks, salads, soups, guilt-free desserts, millet & grains recipes, beverages, and more